torsdag 17. november 2011

Why the voice search feature is meant for Google

If you've used android earlier, you might have opted-out of sending usage statistics to improve googles services. Have you ever thought about how important the user data is to the improvement of recognition and usage-related programs? Take speech recognition, for example. The technology has existed for ages, but only recently have they been useful. Thousands of voice samples are needed to sucessfully recognise voice from so many different people. Let's say you want a recipe for baked cucumber in honey sauce, and you find the speech search interesting. Since you have a strong accent, Google thinks you're asking for something completely different, cinema shows in Bangladore next Tuesday. If you then correct the recognised sentence in google and hit search, it is registered as user statistics and is used to improve their speech recognition-programme to compete with other software companies delivering similar software. And all the time we thought google did this for us.. :)

 I have no sources for this post, everything is my own scandalous conspiracy.

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